
Does wrapping your legs around each other more than once cause Varicose Veins/ Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Does wrapping your legs around each other more than once cause Varicose Veins/ Deep Vein Thrombosis?
I.e. Legs crossed at the calves and the crossed over again at the ankles. I sit like this and my father always tells me this will give me DVT or Varicose Veins. Are either of these true?

First of all do you know what are those? I never heard about such, but you should do some research.

Gabrialla Graduated Medium Compression Knee Highs (18-20 mm Hg), Sheer

varicose veins thrombosis - click on the image below for more information.

  • Helps keep your blood pumping and circulating
  • Comfortable to wear all day
  • Provides strong compression at the foot and ankle and gradually decreases up
  • Prevents general body fatigue
  • Reduces aching and tiredness of legs

These Graduated Compression Knee Highs are of 18-20 mmHg compression and are recommended for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, other venous insufficiencies and blood circulation problems. The knee high upper band will not bind or constrict, therefore, no uncomfortable pressure points are created. Our collection of Graduated Compression hosiery offers the support you need - sheer, elegant and comfortable, and designed for the fashion-conscious woman who feels the physical pressures of an active lifestyle. Graduated compression provides firmer support at the foot and ankle, where you need it most, and gradually decreases up along the leg to the knee and thigh. This unique construction acts like a second heart - increases blood c

Gabrialla Graduated Medium Compression Knee Highs (18-20 mm Hg), Sheer

Click on the button for more varicose veins thrombosis information and reviews.

How should Varicose Veins be Assessed?

Article by bcured

Many people have telangiectases on their legs. Small dark blue reticular veins are also common. All of these are of cosmetic importance only. They are not the same as varicose veins, though they often occur in association with them. Many people with varicose veins worry about deep vein thrombosis, but the superficial veins of the legs that become varicose are separate and distinct from the deep veins where deep vein thrombosis occurs.Varicose veins pose no proved risk of deep vein thrombosis during people's normal daily lives. Varicose veins occurring as a result of a deep vein thrombosis are uncommon. However, varicose veins may coexist with deep vein incompetence, particularly in people with complications such as lipodermatosclerosis or ulcers, which makes treatment more difficult.Examination should be done with the patient standing in good light, when the extent and size of varicose veins and the presence of other venous blemishes (such as telangiectases) will be clear. The distribution of varicose veins may well suggest that they are related to the long or short saphenous system.Sometimes a large varix with a palpable defect in the fascia beneath provides clinical evidence of an incompetent perforating vein. The most important medical issue is the presence or absence of skin damage resulting from venous hypertension. Tourniquet tests have been abandoned by vascular specialists: they are inaccurate and have been superseded by the use of ultrasonography.Knowledge of the principle of tourniquet tests seems to persist in professional examinations as a test of the understanding of venous incompetence and the usual sites where it occurs. Incompetence at the saphenofemoral junction in the groin is by far the commonest: less common sites are the saphenopopliteal junction behind the knee, various perforating veins, and the deep veins.Sites of venous incompetence are best diagnosed by duplex ultrasound scanning, which is being done increasingly during initial specialist assessment. Duplex scanning shows both venous anatomy and blood flow and is essential for assessing more complex cases. Use of a hand held Doppler machine provides a quick screening test for selecting those who need duplex scanning.The main indications for a duplex scan are reflux in the popliteal fossa, recurrent varicose veins, complex or unusual varicose veins, and history of deep vein thrombosis. The accuracy of all Doppler tests is operator dependant, and venous Doppler examination is not a skill most doctors should expect to practise.Over the years, medical professionals and the general public have been showing greater interest in the development of plant medicines. A particularly growing area of study concerns the potential of plant medicines to cure skin diseases. And with improving analytical methods, developers of plant medicines have also been able to determine the traceability and safety of these natural products.VenousBalm-Rx and VenousDrops are new topical and oral remedies to treat varicose veins. They are characterized by very strong and real pharmacological activities which unequivocally qualify them as ethical drugs. The effectiveness of these treatments is undisputed. For those seeking an end to varicose veins and related conditions, these products deliver the goods.These treatments are concentrated with a wide spectrum of medicinal plant extracts exhibiting curative effects against varicose veins. Recent clinical trials of treatments for varicose veins demonstrate VenousDrops extracts produce significantly better results to reverse the condition verse prescription medication and the most popular herbal remedies.VenousBalm-Rx and VenousDrops are established to not only reverse conditions stemming from venous insufficiency, but also improve the overall tone of the veins. These are true venous blood decongestants and used to negate venous blood stagnation which causes varicose veins and venous insufficiency. The astringent properties provide a tightening effect to skin tissue.Their treatments end varicose veins by directly improving circulation, strengthening the immune system, and breaking up fibrin deposits. Results achieved with these products are more than convincing especially in view of the poor efficacy of allopathic treatments using surgery or classic synthetic medications. To learn more, please go to http://www.naturespharma.org.

About the Author

staff of Nature Power Company, which is a network company dedicated to promoting customers' websites and developing softwares. You can go to the following websites to learn more about our natural organic products. http://www.bcured.net http://www.naturespharma.org

"Varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis" Dr. Dan Gorin #3 Better Health Minute

Cape Cod Healthcare - Dan Gorin, MD, Vascular Surgeon at Cape Cod Hospital discusses varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis treatment in the office with local anesthesia, enabling people to resume activities the next day. For more information go to our website: www.capecodhealth.org

Orignal From: Does wrapping your legs around each other more than once cause Varicose Veins/ Deep Vein Thrombosis?

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